One Stop Solution Service Provider For Whole Line Luggage Making Machinery


Baggage practical embodied in where?

by:YESHINE     2020-08-07
A baggage is not complex, not simple material is iron pipe is given priority to, also be more highlights the practical, as it is now in the baggage car is more convenient to carry and folding generally is ninety degrees. And universal wheel design is also more convenient and flexible, whether old or young girl can push and pull, baggage load is larger, the load of 100 kg is not a problem, for some big box, baggage car chassis can adjust scale, within a certain range can extend the length of the chassis, so as to apply some big box. Also be more convenient. Luggage accessories luggage accessories co. , LTD. , is a baggage car manufacturers, independent design and development department do custom development for baggage, 20 years of industry experience designers do individual equipment accessories customized for clients, customer satisfaction is the honor of the company, welcome new and old customers to come to factory to discuss cooperation! Contact & ndash; — Equipment accessories, luggage accessories co. , LTD. 11 years experience in equipment accessories research and development manufacturing custom hotline: 0769 - 87863116 13829269591 website: WWW. tianyu76。 Com email: gdqiangyi @ 163. Com address: luggage accessories, catalpa village bridge city changping town bridge industrial zone in bl1 building
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