One Stop Solution Service Provider For Whole Line Luggage Making Machinery


What is a good pipe load baggage car use?

by:YESHINE     2020-07-28
Company wants to purchase a load to customize trolleys, need to load 100 kilogrammes, luggage accessories as baggage car manufacturers, iron pipe is generally recommended thickness, our company has a machine load luggage cart, the thickness of the pipe section USES is iron pipe, can bearing within 100 kg weight, there are two kinds of the wheel part and a rear wheel is directional wheel, one is the universal wheel! ! ! Using iron pipe cost is low, many clients will agree on this point using the thickness of the steel tube load trolleys, so in the process of sales profits will be higher! Of course, there are some customer requests using the thickness of aluminum alloy tube, high cost, the customer need to customize the high-end load baggage will generally choose material of aluminum alloy tube! Equipment accessories, luggage accessories co. , LTD. , founded in 2007. Have 10 years experience in equipment accessories, baggage car research and development production, custom load trolleys, can come to figure to sample customization, welcome to visit our luggage accessories and field trips! Or enter luggage accessories website for consultation for more information!
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