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Setting Up a Shop Bot CNC Router Bit (Vcarve)

by:YESHINE     2020-06-10
Every CNC project has a common step. -
Such an important step, we think it should have its own guidance: physically set the router bit on VCarve Pro 3.
Some variables in this project vary depending on your material and cutting style.
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Materials needed :--ShopBot--
Tool path generation software (
I used Vcarve Pro 3 in this instructions)-
Open shop robotOpen ShopBot 3-
Ensure that the router bit is secure above the table (
Height ex can be adjusted using MZ.
MZ 3 sets the router to a Z height of 3 inch above the table)-
Move the router to the table and I prefer to call M2 10, 10 but you can also use the toggle in the yellow control panel
Open the interlocking wrench and grab the corresponding wrench
Release the vacuum hose brush-
Release collet using the two wrenches shown in the figure-
Change the drill bit or tighten the new collet manually, different shaft sizes are required
Tighten collet as shown in the figure
Re-installation of vacuum hose brush-
Select the speed of the router based on the bit you use-
Pull the router\'s zeroing board and crocodile clip down-
Connect the crocodile clip to the zeroing screw on the CNC router-
Place the zeroing board with a direct vertical path below the router bit-
Call C2-on the control panel in Shopbot 3-A pop-
The Up will appear in ShopBot 3, asking you to make sure the crocodile clip and plate are in place.
You need to agree to this in order to start the zeroing process. -
Watch the zeroing process to make sure the drill bit hits the middle plate-Another pop-
Up appears on the screen, asking you to return the crocodile clip and plate. -
The router should remain at a safe height above the table after zeroing, however, if necessary, safely raise the router above the table (ex.
MZ2 or use Switch Control Panel)-
Call MH in Shopbot 3 and return the router to X and Y home-Raise the Z-Axis if needed-
Place the material to the X and Y home corners and screw the material to the CNC bed to safely get out of the toolpath (
Refer to your VCarve Pro file and find a safe place to screw it down)
Then you can go!
The rest of the process depends on your project.
You can refer to our other projects for interesting and helpful ideas!
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