One Stop Solution Service Provider For Whole Line Luggage Making Machinery


Equipment accessories manufacturers material use secret, you have to know a little

by:YESHINE     2020-07-29
Current equipment accessories manufacturers for the equipment accessories material the use of most parts of the pipe with iron tube, aluminum tube are two materials that have a a bit and weaknesses, so bags accessories luggage accessories manufacturers below small make up a simple said to you about, luggage accessories with aluminum tube what are the advantages and disadvantages of using the iron pipe. Equipment accessories adopt iron pipe is normally need to use the weight of high products, like the two such as tool box, instrument box, with more need negative significant, and luggage accessories just using the iron pipe can satisfy this requirement. At a lower cost, many businesses consider to choose one of the factor, bags accessories luggage accessories manufacturers we all know that iron pipe is easy to rust, usually doing surface treatment, electrophoresis black or spray paint processing, so that the effect of preventing rust will be a lot better. Iron pipe itself is heavy, and stretch without aluminum tube well, this is the place of iron pipe is not good. Aluminium tubes under the same thickness, contrast to much bottom bearing the weight of the iron pipe, and the cost is high also better, but delicate appearance, aluminum tube can effect, doing a variety of color itself were lighter, in many speakers, fishing bag handbag accessories, cosmetic box, box use above more, lightweight, durable, and stretch smoothly is a lot of customer choice. Bags accessories luggage accessories manufacturers small make up have said above about iron pipe with the material of aluminum tube small knowledge, hope that we can know, if you need to customize the wholesale bags accessories, can enter the bags accessories luggage accessories manufacturers website consulting clients personnel oh, serve you wholeheartedly. — — Equipment accessories, luggage accessories co. , LTD. 11 years experience in equipment accessories research and development manufacturing custom hotline: 0769 - 87863116 13829269591 website: WWW. tianyu76。 Com email: gdqiangyi @ 163. Com address: luggage accessories, catalpa village bridge city changping town bridge industrial zone in bl1 building
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