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Castor manufacturers talk about castor products performance testing

by:YESHINE     2020-07-28
A high quality casters, in front of the factory will pass strict quality, performance testing, after qualified to foreign sales! Then the following bags accessories castor manufacturers say some of the castor products performance testing. Castor repeatedly abrasion test: castor reciprocating wear testing to simulate the caster in the scroll of daily use, the two points with and without obstacles obstacles test test, the trundle put to the test platform is installed correctly, each test castor load of 300 n, test frequency is ( 6 - 8) Times/min, a test cycle including 1 m and 1 m back to reverse a back and forth movement. In the test process are not allowed to have castor or other part out, at the end of the test each castor should be able to drive its normal function, test after the completion of the caster roll, circuition or brake function should not be damaged. The above article bags accessories castor manufacturers said to the caster and repeated abrasion test, luggage accessories, luggage accessories co. , LTD. , founded in 2007, 10 years rich manufacture experience! Luggage accessories main luggage accessories, trolleys, castor, hand, protect horn, such as the foot a luggage accessories, welcome to visit bags accessories castor manufacturers factory field trips!
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