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Airlines crack down on \'smart luggage\' due to lithium battery fire risk

by:YESHINE     2020-12-11
American Airlines and other airlines are cracking down on so-
\"Smart luggage\" equipped with GPS technology, and even equipped with motors in some cases, because lithium-ion batteries can pose a fire risk. Starting Jan.
15, \"customers traveling with smart bags must be able to remove the battery in case the bag must be checked at any time the customer travels, American Airlines said in a statement.
\"If the battery cannot be removed, the bag will not be allowed.
\"Smart suitcases can be checked in at home, and a similar policy has been announced by contacting the airline by phone, Delta added in a statement, \"The safety of Delta\'s customers and employees remains a priority for the airline.
\"Some of these devices can even push themselves through the battery --
Electric vehicles are becoming more popular because of their Internet suite
The connection function, such as the GPStracking of the lost package.
But all of these features depend on having a constant power supply-
Airlines are beginning to worry about the security risks.
Although there is no fire related to smart luggage, lithium batteries used in other applications are related to some high
Personal data fires on aircraft, as they become increasingly unstable at high altitudes.
The \"unacceptable risk\" faa rule for lithium batteries on passenger aircraft has banned passengers from checking any additional lithium-ion batteries, but insists on including them in items they carry with themon luggage.
Bring them in.
Instead of reducing their fire risk, On ensures that it is detected earlier if they start burning.
Delta said that many luggage manufacturers are promoting that their products have been approved by the FAA, \"which may give customers the wrong impression that all smart bags are being shipped
A company called bluesmart, one of the largest manufacturers of smart luggage, said it was working with regulators and airlines to ensure that 65,000 pieces of luggage that had already been sold met with the new
\"We know that there are some airport safety issues for travel technology and companies that comply with various regulations and quality standards,\" Bluesmart said . \".
\"We have organized meetings with the world\'s leading airlines to ensure that your bluesmart will be exempt from such rulings.
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